These are possibly the easiest flat breads ever.. I say lunch hour, but really they take minutes. I literally made them on a work video call yesterday, they take that little effort, but taste so good! They're great served as an accompaniment to dishes like curries or stews, or topped with whatever goodies you can locate in the fridge.
As ever, adapt based on what you have to hand in terms of toppings, the below two variations are what we've done over the last 24 hours!
1oog yoghurt (set, greek, natural, whatever!)
200g self raising flour (or plain, with 1/2 tsp baking powder would do!)
Pinch of salt
1 tbsp olive oil
- Combine the yoghurt, flour and salt in a bowl - initially stir together with a spoon, then as the mixture starts to come together, get your hands in!
- Once almost combined, add the oil and finish kneading together the mixture in the bowl, into a rough dough.
- Tip out onto a lightly floured work surface and gently knead for a minute or two, adding a little more flour if the dough is too wet. You should finish up with a soft, smooth dough.
- Set aside for 10 minutes.
- Once rested, portion into 4, then roll each portion into a ball. Flour your work surface again and roll out each ball until thin and about 20cm in diameter. It doesn't matter if it's not perfectly round, it all adds to the charm!
- Meanwhile, pop a large frying pan on a high heat. After a couple of minutes, pop one flatbread in, (no oil or anything, it just needs to be dry!) and cook for 1-2 minutes, until you can see big air pockets forming on the bread and good spots of colour underneath. Using tongs, flip over and cook on the other side, again for 1-2 minutes, using your tongs to poke down the air pockets if they get too big.
- Remove from the heat and repeat with the remaining flatbreads.
- If you just want to cook two, wrap the remaining dough up in clingfilm and pop in the fridge - this will keep for two days.
- Serve immediately with accompaniments of your choice, or see below for two great options.
Halloumi Salad Flatbreads
For a halloumi salad version, top the flatbreads with a spoonful of natural yoghurt, followed by some salad leaves and shredded red cabbage. Next, add a couple of sliced tomatoes, some red onions (we had pickled left over) and some sliced red chilli, if you like. Season, then top with the halloumi slices, lightly fried, a sprinkle of coriander and some siracha mayo.
Mexican Bean Flatbreads
For the Mexican bean version, soften 1 chopped onion with a minced clove of garlic. Season then add 1 tbsp paprika powder, 1 tsp thyme, 1/2 tsp chilli flakes and 1 tsp tomato puree. Fry until sticky and smelling aromatic. Add 1 tin of beans (in sauce, we love Heinz Five Beanz, but normal baked beans would also work) and 1/3 tin of cold water. Stir together then allow to simmer for 10 mins or so whilst you cook the flatbreads.
Serve the beans on a smear of yoghurt and top with grated cheddar cheese, coriander and a squeeze of lime juice, if you like.