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Kale & Chorizo Hash

As well as being a great quick and easy to throw together midweek meal, this dish really packs a punch on flavour. Don't be afraid to really char the corn as it really does make the dish.

Serves 2


500g baby potatoes, chopped into smaller chunks

Knob of butter

1 corn on the cob, halved widthways or 2 minis

1 red onion, sliced

120g chorizo (about half a standard ring), diced

150g curly kale

2 eggs

Handful fresh coriander, chopped

Siracha mayo, to serve (optional)


- Heat 3 tbsp oil in a large pan on a high heat and add the chopped potatoes, stir to coat all the potatoes with oil and fry for a couple of minutes, stirring occasionally. Season with salt and pepper, add the butter and turn down the heat to low. Keep tossing so that they cook evenly. If they are colouring too quickly but not softening, add a splash of water and a lid - the steam will help them along!

- Meanwhile, boil the corn cobs for 5 minutes until just tender, then drain. Pat dry and heat 1 tbsp oil in a non-stick frying pan. Fry the cobs, turning regularly until charred all around. This might take a while but keep an eye on them so you end up with nice consistent charring.

- After around 20 minutes, once the potatoes have started to soften and colour all over, add the chorizo & sliced onions and fry for a further 10 mins until the onions are caramelised and the chorizo has crisped.

- Once the corn is charred, remove from the pan and allow to cool for 5 mins. Then standing on its end, slice the kernels off the cob and set aside.

- Boil the kale for 5 mins and drain, then add to the potato mix along with two thirds of the charred corn, toss together and continue frying on a low heat. Crack two eggs into a non-stick frying pan, and fry with a little oil, until crispy on the base.

- To serve, pile the hash onto plates and top with the fried egg. Sprinkle over the remaining corn and the chopped coriander, then drizzle with siracha mayo.


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